Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First Week

I'm alive! It's been a crazy week. Okay. I'm trying to figure out how to begin and I'm really struggling. The MTC is awesome. The food is a bit iffy but the people here are incredible. The spirit is so strong. I've learned way more than I could have ever imagined. The first few days of the MTC are hard because you spend the entire time learning how much you don't know. Yeah, it wasn't the greatest. BUT I can confidently say that I've grown so much. They sure keep us busy here. We spend pretty much all day studying, role playing, planning lessons, role playing some more, then studying, then role playing again. At first I was super scared and awkward but I met with my first legit investigator yesterday and was completely comfortable getting to know him and his relationship with his Heavenly Father. The hardest part about the MTC was leaning to work with a companion that I have nothing in common with. The more I learn about her the more we figure out that we have absolutely nothing in common. Her name is Sister Harrington. She has lived pretty much everywhere because her dad is in the airforce. She's super shy and has a hard time making friends but I have learned to love her so much. We are officially best of pals. We don't always agree but we have really learned to work together and we are doing really good at teaching together. That's all that matters right? My teachers are the greatest! I have three main teachers...Sister Cole, Brother Kezele, and Brother Christensen. Brother Christensen is probably my favorite teacher because he works more one on one with me and Sister Harrington. He is awesome. Sister Cole is the one that I got to for the emotional part. On Saturday I was super stressed and really having trouble being patient with my companion. Sister Cole and I went on a walk and I just let it all out! Since then I've been doing so much better! That's the only time that I've really felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. She totally helped me realize that I can't learn everything in three days and how far I have come. I'm so grateful for her! Sundays in the MTC are the greatest. We had awesome speakers come in and we got to watch video of Elder Bednar giving a talk about "The Character of Christ". It was awesome. I'll be honest--I fell asleep for about 3 minutes but from what I did see I loved it. Oops. When we first got here there were 4 girls in the room including me and the comp but they left Sunday night so it's just me and Sister Harrington. 2/3 districts in our zone left so it's just us and the 4 elders. The elders keep me laughing. When I need some comic relief I just look across the room at Elder Truman because he is usually pulling a face at me. All of the elders really like to tease me but I dont' really care. We are all really close. They are the greatest. I have pictures from our temple walk on Sunday of the whole zone, the district, and my companion and I but I don't know how to make pictures work. Dang. Sorry! I'll keep trying in a little bit. I love you to Tucson and back times a million! I'm really happy. I've never been so close to my Heavenly Father. I guess a week on my knees will do that to you. I'm learning lots and trying really hard to stay awake and be patient with myself and my companion. Thank you so much for the letters. The district always makes fun of me because I get the most mail. What can I say? I have a pretty great fan club. K I really think I have to go now. Bye! I'll be flying out this Monday morning around 10. Parents- I love you and can't wait to call you next week! Thank you for everything. You are the greatest. Siblings- Thank you for the notes and love. Kiss Chloe for me. I finally get what the boys were saying about 6:15 am coming freakishly fast. As soon as I hit the pillow the alarm is going off. It's crazy. Time is flying so fast. Friends- Someone do something crazy for me! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Heavenly Father will always hear and answer our prayers. He is so beyond real. He knows us so well. Have a good week. You all are in my prayers. Keep is classy in the 801. :)

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