Monday, August 4, 2014

I think I say this every week...but how is it already Monday? I can barely remember what happened this week. I don't have a lot of time left so this has to be quick. We came up with a new term around here. We don't just baptize. We baptivate. About 90% of the work that we do is with less active families. It's hard but I really love it. It's cool to watch people remember why they wanted to be a part of the church when they were active. A lot of people grew up not really going to church so once they were married they kinda stopped. Another really common on is their spouse isn't a member. Whatever their situation is we are there for them. I love the people of this cotton/mining town. We had 2 less active families come to church this week! WHAOO! It's so fun to watch their testimonies light up again. One less active that we go visit is a super super old man. We know he still has a testimony because all that he likes to wear is his temple garments. It's so awkward to try to sit through a lesson with him. Grandpa Carbijol just doesn't like clothes I guess. Last night we finished all of our appointments and we didn't know where to go next. We said a prayer asking for guidance and an old couple came to my mind. We were close to their house so we made our way over there. Grandpa and Grandma Bingham (Everyone here has the same last names so don't get confused when I say Bingham's about 10 different people) were sitting on their porch waiting for us. We said we just wanted to chit chat with them for a bit and share a prayer and thought with them. They said that they had to hear "the new missionary" pray so I said it. When the prayer was over I looked up and saw that Grandpa Bingham was crying. He told us about how he feels like he has tried so hard to serve Heavenly Father his whole life. As he is getting old he is worried that his efforts weren't enough. He wanted to go back and try harder to do everything he can to serve. On the ride home Sister Smyth and I talked about how a mission is like a small little life of it's own. I'm freshly born and still learned one thing at a time. I'm figuring out what kind of missionary I'm going to be. She is almost done. As her mission life is coming to an end she doesn't want to look back and think, "Did I do enough?" WOW! That really got me thinking hard. When we are biking down the street I don't want to regret not talking to someone. You never know who is ready to hear what you have to say. I've been trying really hard to have faith that the Lord will direct me. Heavenly Father expects us to talk to all of his children. We made a goal at the beginning of the week to hand out at least 2 Books of Mormon a day (That doesn't sound like a lot but it is!) We almost made our goal. Half the time that someone accepted a book my heart leaped a little bit! Those people are blessings! We don't have a lot of investigators right now but we have a lot of friends who are starting to trust us and hopefully will eventually listen to what we have to say. One of those people is AJ. Oh man I love this guy. We go over like three times a week to clean motorcycles and talk about life. He LOVES the bible and knows that he has a Heavenly Father that loves him. His big concern is Joseph Smith which links to the Book of Mormon. That's kinda a big deal in our church. Right now we are starting off slow by praying with him and sharing a message with him everyday. We discuss similarities between the book of mormon and the bible. I'm seeing a light grow in that sweet old man. It's the coolest thing to watch. Sister Smyth and I have started waking up an hour earlier (5:15) in order to study more. I love personal study time. Getting an extra hour of it everyday is so worth missing out of a little bit of sleep. We are so tired everyday but so happy! It's amazing. Today we were told that we are getting a car. This might sound weird but Sister Smyth and I were so sad to hear that they might take our bikes away! I love those things! We eat way too much jello casserole to go without bikes! It's funny how all of our meals either have jello casserole or chips and salsa themes. Never before have a realized how many different kinds of jello casserole there are. Whenever we walk into dinner appointments I party a little bit in my head when I see salsa on the table! I'm becoming more and more Latino every day :) This small mining down of Safford Arizona is the greatest! Oh I almost forgot to tell ya'll! DOUG IS GETTING BAPTIZED! We can't set a date yet because of some legal stuff BUT he says he knows it's what he wants to do and that's good enough for me! Whaoo!! Okay I am pretty disappointed with how short this is because I know I'm going to log off and think of something I forgot to share but for now I'll just say I love you all so much and am grateful for your kind words and prayers. Mail is seriously heaven. You have no idea how great it is to know how many people are backing me up in this crazy adventure. I'm working hard and trying my best to do what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I'm nowhere near where I want to be but I will be as I stay obedient and diligent! LOVE YA! The power of prayer is real. I see blessings and miracles everyday that are the result of a lot of fasting and prayer. Do your scripture studies! That's important. Have a good week. Isn't someone's wedding this week? And Happy Late birthday Megan Meyer! We don't have enough time during the week to do all that the members want us to do with them so today we are playing with the ward members! Sister Smith is teaching us how to make bread, the Van Skoyks want to take us to lunch and shopping and Sister Carpenter has some surprise for us. It's going to be a crazy busy P-day!! Good reads of the week: Isaiah 41:10, Mosiah 5, Hebrew 11:6, 1 John 5:14-15 The picture I'm sending are pretty embarrassing but Sister Smyth somehow keeps getting pictures of me sleeping. Proof that I'm working hard! The family is the Huish family. I love those kids! I promise I only held the baby for the picture!

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