Monday, November 3, 2014

God's Plan

Where to begin...... This week was a big testimony builder that God has a plan and knows exactly what we need. All throughout the week the spirit seemed to continually direct our lessons towards The Plan of Salvation. Each time that we taught this lesson to someone different a different aspect of the plan was emphasized and stood out. To one woman knowing that her imperfections and limitations will be gone after the resurrection helped her feel at peace and helped her understand how much God loves her. To another investigator, knowing that we lived with God before this life and that he knows us individually meant everything. Then last night we taught a teenage girl about how she can be forgiven because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The spirit filled the room as this young girl learned about the Plan that her Father in Heaven has for her. This repeated over and over with different parts of the plan. It really showed how every part of the plan was set because of how much God loves us! Everything that he does is because we are his children. Later on in the week our good Catholic Friend/neighbor passed away. Do you remember a few months ago when I told you about Bootsie? She was very particular about what scriptures we read to her and really didn't like when we tried to teach her but she sure loved feeling the spirit as we sang to her. Her favorite song was "Oh My Father". At the beginning of every visit we would sing that song together. The last time that we met with her I asked her if she understood what that song was about. It was the Plan of Salvation. She paused for a second and then read the words a little closer. I'm so grateful that the last lesson we taught my dear friend was a lesson about being a daughter of God and being able to return to live with him again. Knowing her love for that song brings so me so much peace and comfort. I know that the missionaries that are teaching her in the spirit world are singing that exact song and teaching her it's meaning. Right after we heard about Bootsie we went over to her house to visit the family and ask if we could do anything. Bootsie had told the family about us. They expressed so much gratitude to us and invited us to the funeral. We will be going to the funeral at the Catholic church this week! The daughter wants us to sing at the funeral but has to get approval from the rest of the family. OH BOY. Doing it for Bootsie! I don't know how I'm going to get permission but I'm planning on doing her work as soon as I can. That woman deserves the best! I have a testimony of the Gospel. I know that this life is the time to prepare to meet God. I know that Heavenly Father knows each and every one of us personally. He is there for us no matter what. Having that knowledge is the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. I love my family. I'm so grateful that I get to live with them for all eternity! If eternity with the Barton Family isn't pure happiness than I don't know what is! I know that God is a god of many mighty miracles. One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon has become Mormon 9. Miracles haven't ceased. We get to be a part of miracles according to our faith. Looking back on my life God had his hand on every single second of it. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His ways are far greater than our ways. Isaiah 55. I love you all! Have the greatest week ever! September just started, right? I can't figure out why every tried to go trick or treating in August. Someone is messing with time! October went way too fast! -Sister Barton

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