Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week of Nov. 12- Week of Crazy

Sorry for the picture overload but I hope you enjoy! The past week has been insane. Yes, I have been transferred to Sahaurita. They tell me I'm not south of Tucson but I really have no clue where I am. My new companions name is Sister Call! She has been out 16 1/2 months which means she is really experienced and I'm sure she knows a lot of different finding ideas which I'm excited to learn! We have a car which is kind of sad but our area is HUGE so I guess it's for the best. If you've seen meet the Mormons you'll be happy to hear that THE CANDY BOMBER IS IN MY WARD! Yay! I cannot wait to meet him! Since he is kinda famous I guess he goes around the country doing speeches a lot so I don't know when I will meet him but I'm determined to catch him one of these days. Oh speaking of famous people- Grandpa do you know who Paul Robinson is? I guess he used to be a professional football player? Well, I have been really good friends with him for 4 months and I didn't even realize he was famous. Whoops! I guess he almost when to the Olympics or something I don't know! But he is really cool. His daughter is a member. I loved teaching that family! This past week was "The day" again so I went back to Disneyland/tombstone with Sister Munn. She is incredible and was an answer to a lot of prayers. At the end of the day we were driving to meet up with the Sisters when we got to talking about goal for our missions and who we want to become. I told her about my goals and she told me what she thought my strengths as a missionary are. This was really neat because literally everything on her list were things that I had been really praying about and trying to improve on. The lord answers our prayers in the greatest of ways! Sister Munn made me promise that I wouldn't be so hard on myself and I would work on treating myself how I treat others. Woof that's hard. Okay so This computer just told me it is going to turn off in 2 minutes so ahhhh! Sahuarita is no joke! Okay so I'm happy and still loving the whole missionary life! Being in a new area is super scary and makes me nervous and a tiny bit lonely but the lord knows what he is doing! The Mission President says he has a lot of faith in my and my potential so I guess I'm going to rely on that one! I love you all! Scriptures of the week: D&C 50:24 and 40-46. The whole thing is good but that is the highlight! Love you all have a good week. Someone please say hi to Toby for me and kiss cute Chloe! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I can't hardly believe it. It's 85 degrees and sunny in Sahuarita...sorry i had to pull that one :)
​This is AJ he calls me his biker chick. I promised him I'd be back in a yeah to go on a motor cycle ride with him. He isn't a member but has the most solid testimony of anyone I've ever met.

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