Monday, November 23, 2015

Sept. 28 Early Goodbyes

I've never been very good at goodbyes. They are hard and awkward and emotional and just rough. After Christine's baptism President Passey pulled me aside and told me that I needed to pack my bags and get ready to serve at The university of Arizona's ysa ward. (I knew he drove to Mexico for more that just a nice drive and a baptism) we had kinda been warned that I might have to be transferred early but I had hopes of staying the whole transfer. The lord has other plans as usual! On Sunday I said all of my goodbyes. My heart broke a little more every time. I've never received so much love and appreciation than I did on Sunday. I love these people so much. I have inherited so many families here. Brother Lantz heard that I was leaving and wouldn't let me get away without a hug. It was a very emotional day! Yesterday really taught me that we have no idea how much small and simple things that we do can make a huge difference to someone. A less active ysa girl that we take to lessons wrote me a letter saying how every time so was lonely she would pray. Within 15 or so minutes her phone would ring with us inviting her to a lesson with us. We had no idea. I love how the spirit does its job. Let's talk about the week. On Tuesday we did exchanges. I left my companions to man the area while I went to Deming. Yup- Spanish mode. Having all three of us there was a really cool experience. I got to help the sisters work more in unity. It was fun to watch them teach in Spanish and feel the spirit even though I had no clue what was going on. Before exchanges I had been working on my testimony in Spanish. It's simple and probably sounds awful but I'm working on it! At the end of our first lesson the sisters were about to close when I interrupted and bore my very very simple testimony. The spirit was so strong as I struggled to remember how to say what I wanted to. It took everyone by surprise including myself. I owe the spirit big time for the help. I loved being able to be with Hermana Garcia and Hubert. They are incredible examples to me. Back in silver city we have been working a lot on getting less actives and investigators going on family history. Ramon and Christine have caught the family history bug!! It has been so fun to do so much family history with people this week. I am still completely addicted. At one point we ended up getting 5 or so people in on our lesson with Ramon at the institute because everyone else in the building wanted to learn to!! IT WAS THE GREATEST! I was in heaven. During our lunch breaks I've been teaching my companions what I know so that they can continue to help Ramon. It was even fun to watch my companions light up as Sister Reid found a family! The greatest peak of the whole week was Christine's baptism. The whole night was so fantastic. We had two non-members give the prayers(Avery and Kenny). Two returning less actives giving the talks (missy and brother Lantz). Brother call baptizing. And the young women doing a musical number. It was incredible to watch Christine glowing with joy the entire time. She said she felt "tingles" the entire time. She is truly converted to the gospel. We started teaching her the new member lessons. The first and last lesson I taught her was the plan of salvation. After we taught it this week she confessed that she had no clue what we were talking about the first time we taught that to her. She just knew that she needed to learn more. She knew that what we were saying was important. The spirit really is the real teach here. After the baptism I was talking to Christine. Ramon came up and congratulated her. He said she really helped him receive his confirmation. He'll be getting baptized October 17th. I couldn't be happier for him. Saying goodbye to him was really rough. It's been amazing to watch the atonement completely transform him. He made me promise that I'd come back and we'd all go to the temple!! He is so excited to get to the house of the lord. He's got ancestors ready to go. He's a miracle that I am so grateful for. He bore his testimony on Sunday. We were all a mess! He was so nervous. It was an incredible tender mercy before leaving. This area has a taught me so much about how powerful charity is. The key to missionary work is love. That's the secret ingredient. As soon as we figure out how to love the people around us we have the power to help people change their lives and come unto Christ. I love silver city New Mexico with all my soul. I feel truly changed by all the love that I have felt here. These people have taught me so much about who I am and who I want to become. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I'm leaving here a better person with no regrets. Wow sorry this letter is so long. It's been a big week! Thank you for all of your love and support. I love you. I love this restored gospel. I love heavenly fathers plan for us. I'm working on being submissive to his will. I know there are even more blessings and miracles ahead. I can't wait to see what the lord has in store for me. It's going to be pretty hard to top my 4 months in silver city with sister Reid. That goodbye is one that I will never be ready for!! - Sister Barton

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