Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week of Love Feb. 17

Okay so I honestly don't have much to report for this past week. We were just doing out missionary thing! In the spirit of Valentines day I decided in addition to spreading the word I was going to do everything that I can to love everyone to death. Sometimes that meant killing with kindness, other times it meant using every free second to call and check up on someone. If we weren't in an appointment than I was on the phone chatting with someone! It was actually a lot of fun. I've noticed a difference in the work. I've always loved the people that we teach and that I've worked with but this week I made it a point to tell everyone how much they are loved. Peggy- we are teaching a woman who loves the gospel! She knows it's true but she won't progress without her husband. He doesn't want anything to do with us which is really hard on Peggy. This week I decided to kill him with kindness and see where that takes us. So every day we would call Peggy and ask her about how the kids book fair went and how her pta meetings are going and just heart attacked her on valentines day. We tried to show her husband in every single way that we want to teach her family because we love them not because we want recruits. It's been amazing to see his heart soften. In so many other situations I've seen love change people. This work and this gospel is all about showing people that you care about them. You want them to read the Book of Mormon because you care about them. You want them to come to church because you want them to feel peace and joy. You want them to pray to their Heavenly Father because feeling his love is the greatest feeling in the world. It all comes back to love. Valentines day showed me how important it is to never let anyone forget how much you love them. I'm grateful to be a missionary because it means I can randomly call or show up to anyone's house for no reason and just love them. This name tag gives me so much courage to talk to everyone in our path because I know how much heavenly father loves them. Ah I love you all so much! I'm grateful for all you do! Thank you for all the sweet packages and mail. I am overwhelmed with how much love and support everyone has given me while I've been in my own little world of Tucson Arizona. Fun Facts about Tucson: -All of the animals are either deadly or they are chickens -Don't touch the plants -The sunsets are incredible -They don't let anyone have street lights because they want to be able to see the starts (blessing and a curse) -1/2 the streets are on dirt roads no matter how fancy to houses are -House numbers aren't a thing. If you want to be a mail man stay away from arizona!

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