Monday, June 15, 2015

A gagster named Elmo

I've got so much to talk about! Being in New Mexico has been an interesting experience. I honestly feel like I'm in a whole different mission. We are the first sisters that silver city has had in a while so the members were shocked when we showed up. We pretty much live on western New Mexico university campus which is fun. Nobody is really here because it's summer break but I'm hoping I'll still be here for the school year. I thought I was completely exhausted in my last area but this transfer is taking even more out of me! Pink washing and being an stl has proven to be a lot of work! The members here are incredible. We've spent a lot of time trying to get to know the recent converts. We had to stop asking people what the fun thing is to do around here is because everyone kept giving us the same response, "hmmmm drugs". Then we had to prepare ourselves for a story about the crazy life of parties until they found the church and completely changed their lives forever. It's pretty cool to hear such drastic conversion stories but it usually includes way too much info!!! Sister Reid's and I are working on our poker face! Tuesday was zone meeting so I gave a training on how we can help people keep commitments. We set some pretty high goals as a zone this transfer so we have to work extra hard to help people make and keep commitments. It's kinda essential! Some of the hermanas in the zone have been really struggling this week so almost every night I've tried to do daily nourishment with them and help them stay strong! Dad- I totally used your advice about how this work isn't meant to be frustrating. It's meant to be exhausting, hard, and stretching but not frustrating. If it's frustrating you're not relying on your Heavenly Father enough. That seemed to hit the sisters hard. Thanks dad :) you da bomb. The elders that were here before us left us with one investigator named Michael. He is a super awesome guy who really wants to be better! He's had a hard hard life and is just a super humble guy. He was nervous about sister missionaries at first but it's all good now. Michael came to church for the first time this week and loved it! Please keep him in your prayers! The ward has a handful of widows that the elders weren't able to go see so the bishop sent us over there first thing! We try to see at least one or two every couple of days. The sweet old ladies always get emotional when they find out sisters are in the ward because it means they can get visits. It's been so tender to see these old ladies get so excited to do scripture study because they haven't been able to go to church in a really long time. One woman makes temple cloths for the goal valley temple and was so proud to show is her work. We haven't had a free second since we got here. We are planning on getting their visiting teachers to go with us so that we can make a smooth transition to the ward helping them out. Everyone keeps handing us lists of people to go see! Between the old ladies, part member families, recent converts, Less actives, and a few referrals- we never stop running! I am so grateful! It's made pink washing so much easier! The bishop was called only 3 weeks ago. Before that he was the ward mission leader. I've decided every bishop should be a wml right before being a bishop! It's the best. This week we had a huge miracle. Well, we had lots of miracles but this was the cherry on top. The elders had street contacted into a man that lived in our area. His name is Elmo (pronounced almo). We went to try to find the house and could not find the street! We were searching for it with the help of the church wifi when the bishop just so happened to come by and was able to find it! We went over to Elmo's house to find the most intimidating gangster I've ever seen! This guy was awesome! I didn't know gangsters could be named Elmo but whatever! We started talking to him and he said he was super busy but we could come back next week. We asked if he had any friends that could use a message about Christ. He referred us over to his neighbor, Aaron. I've been working on the Christlike attribute of hope this transfer so sister Reid's looked at me and said, "You got hope Sister Barton?" We went over to talk to Aaron and found out he was raised catholic but has recently decided he's Christian. At first his friend did all the talking and said he had already been saved. We kinda ignored him and moved on to chatting with Aaron. He said he was busy then but we could come back the next evening. We taught him the restoration last night! He loves the principle of modern day prophets! Aaron and his wife are now investigating the church and have already begun reading the Book of Mormon as a family and have baptism dates! We couldn't believe it! It's amazing how the lord led us to this amazing young family! We pretty much get lost everywhere we go. I'm exhausted 99% of the time. People here are not always nice to us. Yet I've never been happier! This tiny little city is full of miracles and some amazing people! I love this work. Do I say that enough? I know this church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know we are all god's sons and daughters. Thank you all for everything you do. I love you :) have the greatest week ever! Don't forget about the little New Mexican missionary trying her best to scatter sunshine! -Sister Barton. Ps I believe a pretty fantastic woman is officially 22 as of yesterday! Remember when we would play house and we always said we were 22 years old?? We never really put together the fact that most 22 year olds don't have 5 kids but that was the prime age in our minds plus my lucky number! I hope you have the greatest birthday ever! Love you Sarah B!

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