Monday, June 15, 2015

June 1- Week of Work

This was another AMAZING week in the boonies of Tucson! Let's first talk about Sandy because I love her! We went to teach Sandy this week but before we started the lesson she froze and asked, "If Jesus was perfect and baptism is for cleansing all your sins...Why did he get baptized?" Weeeeelll. That is the most fantastic question I've ever heard. We rushed to 2 nephi 31. She asked a lot of questions about baptism and then she said, "Well that's the next step for me then. What do I have to do to prepare?" I love this woman! She has so much faith! In just 6 weeks she has grown to love the Book of Mormon, she says the most sincere prayers I've ever heard, and she LOVES relief society. I've never met someone who loves relief society so much! Her mom is really old and sick right now so right after church on Sunday she went to go visit her. She always texts us updates on how her mom is doing. Yesterday she told us that her mom had a little bit of a step back but she is doing alright. She also added in there that her mom noticed that Sandy is happier than she has been in a long time. Ever since she started reading the Book of Mormon her sick 83 year old mother has seen "the light" that comes from doing the small and simple things. Sandy has started reading the Book of Mormon to her mom. It's incredible how as soon as she got a testimony for herself she instantly wanted to share it! Cassandra and Rudy: We had a lesson with them this week about keeping the Sabbath day holy. Cassandra has been to church twice but Rudy has never been able to get work off. This week he told us that he had requested as many Sundays off as he could for the rest of the year. Every single one all the way back to December was denied. He tried the same thing with a Thursday and was granted mostly all of them! We fasted with them to soften his bosses heart and to find some way of getting a Sunday off. They didn't last the full 24 hours but they were proud of the 19 hours that they did do! Either way their showed Heavenly Father their faith. I know they will be blessed for it! If you could keep him in your prayers that would be wonderful! One of my favorite days this week was Saturday. Sister Cowley called us and said she needed help with her missionary work. We didn't hesitate to run over! 1. Because that Sister makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever 2. Because she is fantastic and always has a good idea. We race over to find her with lots of shovels and rakes. We put on some pants and went to work pulling all of her neighbors weeds, helping people move out, move it, paint their fence, etc! We were exhausted but Sister Cowley was determined to serve everyone on her street and introduce them to the missionaries! Seriously this woman is incredible! That same day the Franklin's told us that they want to be missionaries but they are really nervous about it so they decided that they wanted to take us to dinner with a prayer asking that someone will see the name tags and ask us a question.....Within 10 minutes the waitress asked what the special occasion was for eating out. Sister Franklin proudly said that she was feeding the missionaries from her church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! The waitress asked what a missionary was and once again Sister Franklin was thrilled to answer her questions. It was fun to see this woman be so excited about being a missionary in her own special way! To finish off the week we came home last week to find the Priest family making s'smores in their backyard! We hurried and finished our planning then went out to join them! It was the perfect way to end an amazing week! I love it here so much! I love being part of the Corona and Cienega wards. I love missionary work. I love my investigators so much! They have such a special place in my heart! We are also still teaching the Epperson Family. Their daughter just got home from her mission so having her teach with us has been so fun! The adoption should be final in the next couple of weeks and then we can set dates for them! Teaching younger humans has really made us get creative but I've loved it! Thank you for all the prayers! We are being swarmed with blessings every single day. Heavenly Father has prepared so many people here. I feel blessed to be a part of it all! Have an awesome week! Don't forget to wear sunblock ;) and someone please take the boat out for me! Isn't that what summer is all about?? Bear Lake?
We found a dome house and had to knock on it! Then we found a snake and had to freak out and throw rocks at it to make it move so we wouldn't run over it. Arizona life for you!

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